Thursday, July 23, 2009

D.C. Day 2

I wrote this on the phone two days ago but just got to posting it.

Well, the conference was as interesting as yesterdays bike ride. It is an ESL Reading institute, but not everyone is an ESL teacher, some are administrators, others are grade level teachers, they are from everywhere: Western Samoa, Hawaii, Wyoming...and different states have different ESL standards. Dude, we spent the whole day defining ELLs, breaking down reading processes, and teaching methods so we have a common language for tomorrow. Some things that I thought were intro to ESL, like the difference between semantics and pragmatics took half an hour, but the conversations were interesting.

Also interesting was what is happening in other states. DE, which doesn't tax, is furloughing teachers! Can you imagine? "Oh, sorry Ms. K, we need you to not come in once a month in order to save money. ". In Boise they put all 1st ans 2nd year ELLs in a 7-12 school together.
After the institute I went for apps at a delicious restaurant, Scion. My scallops were perfect. I had a funky Japanese white ale too. Later I went to Kramer's Books, it is a cool little bookstore/ restaurant.

Now I'm sitting on a patio outside of the kastle tennis open eavesdropping on a tennis open.
Not a bad little work trip.

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